Thermoplastic olefin (TPO) roofing systems have gained popularity in recent years due to their energy-saving and cost-effective features. However, like all roofing materials, TPO is not immune to problems and challenges. In this blog post, we’ll delve into TPO roofing problems, their causes, and effective treatments, providing insights into TPO roofing definition and maintenance.

Seam Failures

One of the most common problems with TPO roofs is seam damage. TPO roofs are usually installed using hot welding to create strong joints. However, if not done correctly or if poor quality materials are used the stitches can weaken and fail over time. This can cause leaks, water penetration and structural damage.

Solution: Regular inspection and maintenance is necessary for timely detection of seam damage. Hiring a professional roofing contractor to perform inspections and make necessary repairs is critical to maintaining a waterproof TPO roofing system.

UV Degradation

The TPO roof is known for its white reflective surface, which helps reduce energy consumption and cooling costs. However, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause the TPO film to degrade. Over time, this can lead to cracks, brittleness and a shortened lifespan of the roofing material.

Solution: UV resistant coatings and regular cleaning help protect the TPO roof from UV damage. If the damage is already significant it may be necessary to consider covering or replacing the roof.

Poor Installation

Improper installation is the main cause of TPO roofing problems. An inexperienced or careless roofing contractor may not follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines, which can lead to problems such as wrinkles, uneven seams and inadequate adhesion.

Solution: Choose a reputable roofing contractor with experience installing TPO roofing systems. Make sure they follow best practices and manufacturer recommendations during installation.

Ponding Water

TPO roofs must have adequate drainage systems to prevent the accumulation of subsea water. Water can cause excessive stress on the roofing material, causing leaks and structural damage.

Solution: Check and clean your TPO roof drainage systems regularly to ensure they are working. If the water continues, contact a professional to assess and resolve the problem.

Chemical exposure

TPO roofs can be sensitive to pollution, industrial emissions or air pollutants. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals can cause the roofing material to degrade and lose its integrity.

Solution: If your TPO roof is regularly exposed to chemicals, consider using a chemical-resistant coating or film to protect it. Regular cleaning and maintenance can also help reduce chemical damage.

Contraction of the membrane

TPO roofing membranes can contract over time, especially in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations. Contraction of the membrane can cause stress on the seams, causing them to break and allow water to enter.

Solution: Repairing membrane shrinkage often requires professional help. Roofing contractors can assess the extent of shrinkage and make necessary repairs or adjustments.