Practicing good manners is a skill that should be taught from early childhood. It’s essential to teach kids how to properly greet people, use indoor voices in public spaces, hold doors open for others and more.

Show children good examples and regularly reinforce their behavior by praising them for their good manners. This will help them learn that good manners are important at all times, not just in certain situations.

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1. Empathy

The ability to empathize with others is a vital social skill that leads to positive friendships, trusting relationships and moral behavior in general. Empathy is also linked to greater levels of success in life, and studies show that it can be taught and nurtured.

Teaching children etiquette from a young age will help to promote empathy. Examples include greeting people politely, giving compliments and using proper manners when answering the phone or writing emails.

Another way to teach and nurture empathy is by helping kids discover what they have in common with other people. Research shows that we are more likely to empathize with those who are similar to us.

2. Self-confidence

A child who uses good manners is less likely to feel nervous in social situations such as new school experiences, parties and other gatherings. Manners like saying “please” and “thank you,” shaking hands, looking people in the eye when speaking to them and saying goodbye, addressing adults by name, and writing a thank you note on time for gifts and kindnesses help kids gain self-confidence and poise.

Children learn most of their manners from watching their parents so set the bar high with your own behavior. It also helps to provide specific scenarios and act out what should be done and when. Younger children tend to love role play, so it’s a great way to reinforce polite behavior.

3. Social skills

In life, children will rely on their social skills to interact with others. Developing these skills early on can help kids feel confident and prepared to handle new situations.

Teach your children how to greet people properly, for example, by using their names and making eye contact. Also, teach them how to address someone over the phone or in an email. Encourage them to show good sportsmanship when playing games, such as not gloating over winning or being upset by losing.

Taking them to museums or encouraging them to participate in extracurricular activities can also help your child develop their social skills. Studies have shown significant correlations between social skill domain scores and parent and teacher ratings.

4. Communication skills

Having good communication skills allows kids to be open with their feelings and thoughts and express themselves confidently. It also helps them build strong relationships with their peers and family members.

Children must be taught how to ask permission before taking something that belongs to someone else, listen actively and respectfully, and disagree politely when necessary. Also, they must be taught how to greet people properly by smiling and shaking hands.

Encourage your kids to practice good manners by praising them whenever they exhibit them. You can even make a jar of good manners and reward them when they fill it up. This will motivate them to continue their polite behavior.

5. Responsibility

It’s important to teach children etiquette early on, such as saying please and thank you, and eating neatly. It’s also a good idea to teach them how to write polite emails (with greetings and goodbyes) as they will communicate via email more often as they get older.

Children pick up on the behavior of adults around them, including their parents and teachers. Showing proper manners and exhibiting courteous behavior can help your child grow into responsible, well-adjusted adults. It may take some time to change the way your family behaves, but the rewards will be worth it in the end.

6. Respect

Children need to understand that they owe everyone respect. Kids may not immediately understand that their actions could hurt someone else, but with time and calm instruction on what it means to be respectful, they will learn.

Start by setting a good example by always saying “please” and “thank you” to people and treating family, friends and even strangers with courtesy and respect. Explain that all people have opinions and experiences, so it’s important to treat everyone with kindness and respect. You can also teach your kids about how to properly greet people and have a conversation, as well as opening doors for others and asking for permission before entering their friend’s home.